
Shop Cumberland
Shop Cumberland is a campaign dedicated to promoting the idea of shopping locally. Within a season of operation, this campaign accumulated over 100,000 impressions across Nova Scotia, while leaving a positive influence on the community.
The span of this project included video production, graphic design, paid advertising, organic reach, photography, social media management, and web development.

Join Us In Cumberland
Join Us In Cumberland is a campaign that promotes tourism and immigration to the township of Cumberland, Nova Scotia.
Through first-hand testimonials from newcomers to Cumberland, this campaign showed others what life could be like if they were to “Join us in Cumberland”. The span of this project included paid advertising, organic reach, video production, branding, graphic design, social media management and web development.

Cumberland Business Connector
The Cumberland Business Connector is a resource that provides local businesses with the tools and training they need to become successful.
The span of this marketing project included planning social media content, updating relevant web pages, and designing newsletters for mass production.

Backcountry Foil Surfing
Backcountry Foil Surfing offers Costa Ricas best luxury foil surfing excursion.
The span of this marketing project included coordinating social media content, branding, web development, video production, mailing lists and magazine advertising.